Plastic Omnium joins the international “Startup Autobahn” platform. Founded by the University of Stuttgart and ARENA2036*, this platform supports mobility sector start-ups and enables them to forge relationships with manufacturers such as Daimler, Porsche, BASF, ZF, BOSCH… With around 30 leading manufacturers and universities, the Open Innovation approach of its members aims to foster a culture of exchange, disruptive thinking, technological research and contacts to accelerate creativity and innovation. This partnership enhances Plastic Omnium’s Open Innovation approach, including start-ups, Venture Capital and partnerships with leading universities, with the aim of accelerating the Group’s disruptive innovations for the clean and connected mobility of tomorrow. * ARENA2036 (Stuttgart, Germany) is a flexible research factory promoting the hardware-based knowledge production needed to design the vehicles of the future. By bringing together partners from both science and industry, the project is developing a range of disruptive technologies. To learn more about |