Carbon neutrality
Climate change is a major challenge for all of us, both as citizens and as manufacturers. True to its sustainable development DNA, OPmobility is determined to play a leading role in the transformation towards clean mobility."
Laurent Favre, Chief Executive Officer of OPmobility SE
OPmobility commits to carbon neutrality in its scope 1 & 2 emissions in 2025 and a 30% cut in Scope 3 emissions in 2030.
(Excluding Lighting division)
Scopes 1 & 2: 481 kt CO2
Scope 3: 42,3 Mt CO2
(Excluding Lighting division)
Scopes 1 & 2: 393 kt CO2
Scope 3: 32,3 Mt CO2
(Excluding Lighting division)
Scopes 1 & 2: 362 kt CO2 (-26 % vs 2019)
Scope 3: 29.9 Mt CO2 (-29 % vs 2019)
(Excluding Lighting division)
Scopes 1 & 2: 386 kt CO2
Scope 3: 29.5 Mt CO2
Scopes 1 & 2: Neutral
Scope 3: -30 % (vs 2019)
Scopes 1, 2 & 3: Neutral
For new acquisitions, scopes 1 & 2: Neutral in 2027.
Reduce the carbon footprint of operations
– Reinforce the Top Planet program;
– Reduce site energy consumption by 12% by 2025;
– Roll out ISO 50 001 certification and related energy audits.
Use more renewable electricity
Increase the proportion of renewable electricity purchased to close to 100% by 2025 through:
– Installation of photovoltaic panels or wind turbines on its sites;
– Signature of long-term contracts to build new production capacity;
– Buy electricity from renewable sources from suppliers who can guarantee its origin.
Some emissions remain difficult to eliminate through reduction or replacement actions. OPmobility will therefore seek to offset residual emissions by financing carefully selected reduction projects related to its activities.
Reduce the emissions generated by the Group’s purchasing and by the products it sells as a priority
– Develop solutions and products to support customers’ energy transition and reduce their carbon footprint;
– Increase the proportion of recycled materials in products;
– Work with suppliers and creating partnerships;
– Engage suppliers.
Group carbon footprint
(2023 data)
From the design stage, and at every stage of the product life cycle, OPmobility teams are mobilized to reduce the environmental impact of our products through eco-design and life cycle analyses.
Upstream activities
Scope 3: upstream
Fixed assets (buildings, vehicles, IT, equipement...)
(goods and services)
Scopes 1 & 2
Compagny vehicle
Fossil fuel consumption, electricity consumption, refrigerant gas leaks
Downstream activities
Scope 3: downstream
Transportation of customers and visitors
Users of product solid
End of life products solid